Packaged Loan

Packaged loan?

A professional package home loan was originally introduced to reward low-risk and high earning customers

Nowadays packaged loans are available to most people borrowing more than $250,000

A professional package home loan can have benefits, the borrower generally pays one annual fee for a bundle of features

These features are a bundle of banking products rolled together with generous interest rate discounts

These features over time can be of good value to customers (if the borrower uses the features)

Features included in a packaged loan can vary from lender to lender

Fees in the package loan

The annual fees for a professional package generally range from about $300 upwards

  1. A discounted interest rate on the lenders standard interest rate
  2. One annual fee with no ongoing hidden fees
  3. Generally discounts on financial products, like home, personal insurance
  4. Often transaction accounts and annual credit card fees can be waived

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I am here to work with you, to get the best outcome

1. Understand your goals

I will listen and take the time to understand your unique position, your needs and requirements in a loan

2. Provide you with options

I will research lenders comparing only suitable loan options to your circumstances and best interests

3. I am working for you

After you have selected your preferred loan I will do all the groundwork to get it lodged, approved and settled

4. Happy days

I will keep touch in touch and make sure the loan still suits your future circumstance, and try to save you money along the way

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